Master Rust Smart Contract Development on Stellar

Learn to develop secure, efficient smart contracts on the Stellar network using Rust. This hands-on course is perfect for blockchain developers aiming to leverage Stellar's decentralized ecosystem.

16 Hrs

About this course

In the fast-evolving world of blockchain, mastering smart contract development is a crucial skill. This course is designed to guide you through the intricate world of Rust programming for smart contracts on the Stellar network. You'll learn how to build, test, and deploy robust smart contracts, leveraging Rust's performance and safety features to create efficient and secure decentralized applications. Throughout this course, you will engage in hands-on projects and real-world scenarios to solidify your understanding. Whether you're a seasoned blockchain developer or new to the field, this course will equip you with the knowledge and skills to take full advantage of Stellar's powerful tools and features


  • Basic understanding of any programming language

Tools used

  • Rust
  • Stellar CLI
  • Soroban
  • Okashi

Chapters discussed

Frequently asked questions

Who can enroll in this course?

This course is ideal for blockchain developers with a basic understanding of Rust programming who wish to delve into smart contract development on the Stellar network.

Are there any prerequisites for enrolling in the course?

Yes, a decent knowledge of the Rust programming language and fundamentals of blockchain technology are prerequisites for this course.

How is the course structured?

The course is designed to be easy-to-follow, covering Stellar smart contracts from basics to advanced concepts. Practical exercises and real-world applications are included to reinforce learning.

What can I expect to learn from this course?

Participants will gain a profound understanding of developing secure and efficient smart contracts on the Stellar network using Rust.

Is this course hands-on, or is it more theoretical?

The course strikes a balance between theory and hands-on practice, featuring practical exercises to ensure participants can effectively apply their knowledge.

How long is the course, and can I learn at my own pace?

The course duration varies based on individual learning speeds, allowing participants to learn at their own pace with access to course materials available at any time.

Is there a certification upon completion of the course?

Yes, participants who successfully complete the course will receive a certification, validating their proficiency in Rust programming for Stellar smart contract development.

Can I interact with instructors or fellow participants during the course?

While the course primarily provides pre-recorded content, participants can join our Discord channel to engage with each other and ask questions.

Is technical support available during the course?

Yes, technical support will be available to address any issues related to accessing course materials or navigating the online platform. Details on how to reach technical support will be provided upon enrollment.


Team DApp World

The DApp World team is composed of experts specializing in blockchain technology and decentralized applications (DApps). With a broad focus on various blockchain platforms, we offer insights into well-rounded technologies related to blockchain development and DApp ecosystems. Our team is dedicated to providing guidance as you navigate the diverse landscape of decentralized technologies.

Master Rust Smart Contract Development on Stellar

Learn to develop secure, efficient smart contracts on the Stellar network using Rust. This hands-on course is perfect for blockchain developers aiming to leverage Stellar's decentralized ecosystem.