Hello, World!
In this smartbook i wana to share you the smart contract for the e commerce where use can list their product as well buy / sell from other .
Create an Ecommerce Smart contract where anyone can list their product and others can buy/sell using the smart contract post as smart contract
Ide : Remix ide -> https://remix.ethereum.org/.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;
struct selling_item{
string Name;
uint Id;
uint Cost;
uint Time;
contract shop{
string[] buyer;
mapping(uint=>string) itemlist; // this has been made to get the partcular name of the item through the id
selling_item[] public selling_items; // this is the object of the struct
address seller; // address of the owner
mapping(uint=>uint) cost; // This is used to map b/w the id and the cost .
seller = msg.sender;
modifier onlyonwner(){
require(seller == msg.sender,"You are not allowed to do this ");
function AllItem(string memory _Name , uint _Id, uint _Cost) public onlyonwner{
itemlist[_Id] =_Name;
cost[_Id] = _Cost;
function buy(uint _Id) public payable{
uint n = cost[_Id];
uint cost_ether=(n*10**18); // This is used to convert the amount into the ether
require(cost_ether==msg.value,"Less sufficent amount");
function view_item() view public returns(string[]memory){
return buyer;
The basic logic behind this contract is that the owner can llist the Products and anyone can see the product and buy from the listing with the help of the index of the product .
After buying the use can see only the name of the product as well as the whole item information listed .
All the function button expalained in detial below