Also, interact with any smart contract functions using tronscan
You can deploy tron smart contract on tronscan without need of terminal or tronbox framework. also even after deployed you can interact with smart contract function using tronscan, I will show you in this article..
visit tronscan https://tronscan.org/#/
Connect your tronlink wallet to the tronscan.
Then go to Blockchain deployment tab
Upload smart contract files
Click on Compile, if it gives error try changing the compiler version, or recheck that you don't have any errors in your smart contract file.
after successfull compilation you can deploy
tronscan transaction popup will occur, confirm it and wait for transaction to complete
After successfull deployment you can check tranasction details here and your contract address in base58.
Similarly you can play with your smart contract functions on tronscan
head to the tronscan website and search for your smart contract address
I am using snasta tronscan for this tutorial purpose but the same process apllies for mainnet also.
After searching you smart contract address you can see there are read contract and write contract options. Click on it and you will see your smart contract functions repectively
For example i have panel_1 read function in my smart contract and it takes address as its argument, so after providing some address as argument to this function i can call this function by clicking on call button provided as give above
simlilarly you can write some data on smart cotract with the help of write contract funtionality provided on tronscan,
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