Are you looking for a blockchain platform with flexibility for permissions and a similar skill set to Java skills adopted by the enterprises? Then R3 Corda would be an appropriate option for you. In this article, we will discuss the basic features and top use cases of the R3 Corda. Let us start.
Corda blockchain platform is an open-source platform that can be used in a wide range of applications. This platform ensures the easy management of legal contracts and other shared data amongst the transacting parties. The applications of the R3 Corda inter-operate on a single network.
Basic components of the R3 Corda.
● Programming Language: R3 Corda uses Kotline, a programming language that targets JVM and JavaScript. Because of the use of the programming language Kotline, this platform has a very good level of integration with other programming paradigms.
● Architecture: Corda architecture aims to create a global logical ledger. This architecture ensures easy management and interaction amongst all economic actors.
● Smart contract support: Smart contracts in the Corda Platform are executed with computer codes and human input. They include business data and business logic in the smart contracts. This contract ensures the financial agreements are appropriately fit in the court of law.
● Governance: As Corda is a permissioned blockchain, it gives them control of governance to R3.
● Cryptocurrency: Corda does not have any native currency like Ethereum.
R3 Corda is gaining popularity because of its features mentioned below.
For features and popular use cases, click
This blog is first published on www.blockchainshiksha.com
Written By: Shubhada Pande