npm install -g truffle
truffle init
Once this operation is completed, you'll now have a project structure with the following items:
contracts/: Directory for Solidity contracts
migrations/: Directory for scriptable deployment files
test/: Directory for test files for testing your application and contracts
truffle-config.js: Truffle configuration file
truffle compile
const HDWalletProvider = require('@truffle/hdwallet-provider');
const fs = require('fs');
const mnemonic = fs.readFileSync(".secret").toString().trim();
module.exports = {
networks: {
development: {
host: "", // Localhost (default: none)
port: 8545, // Standard BSC port (default: none)
network_id: "*", // Any network (default: none)
testnet: {
provider: () => new HDWalletProvider(mnemonic, `https://data-seed-prebsc-1-s1.binance.org:8545`),
network_id: 97,
confirmations: 10,
timeoutBlocks: 200,
skipDryRun: true
bsc: {
provider: () => new HDWalletProvider(mnemonic, `https://bsc-dataseed1.binance.org`),
network_id: 56,
confirmations: 10,
timeoutBlocks: 200,
skipDryRun: true
// Set default mocha options here, use special reporters etc.
mocha: {
// timeout: 100000
// Configure your compilers
compilers: {
solc: {
version: "^0.6.12", // A version or constraint - Ex. "^0.5.0"
development network is on ganache. you can test smart contracts on ganache directly otherwise on testnet.
$ truffle migrate --network testnet